Two weeks ago, I discussed the Phase One XT system and why I regard it as one of the most advanced camera systems in the world, especially in use with the Rodenstock HR Digaron lenses in X Shutters. This week, allow me to share some photographs I took with the system.

Sample photographs with the Phase One XT/IQ4150 with Rodenstock lenses
The system which is used to take these photographs are the same, the only variable in the images shown in this article are the lenses. As mentioned, I had at my disposal 5 Rodenstock HR Digaron lenses, viz 23mm, 32mm, 50mm, 70mm and 90mm. All were in X-Shutters, and able to seamlessly communicate with the IQ4 150 digital back through the XT body.

The camera system worked flawlessly, and was a joy to operate. As mentioned, if I were to nitpick, the movements on the Alpa 12 Plus were a bit more refined and tactile to use. The Alpa 12 Plus movements can be locked with a simple latch system, which is very clever. But it lacks the full front to back integration which the XT system offers. Full positional awareness of all movement to be recorded as EXIF data. The IQ4 150 back is also able to completely control the lens for aperture and shutter. This data is also captured in the EXIF. And the XT system is a very neat solution. Just connect the lens, attach the back and we are ready to shoot. It completely dispenses with the need to run a cable from the lens to the back and to put the IQ4 back into zero latency mode for capture.
Rodenstock HR Digaron 23mm f/5.6
This is the smallest and widest lens in the collection. At 23mm on the IQ4 sensor, it has a coverage angle of 112°, and has a full frame equivalent focal length of about 18mm. The lens has an image circle of 70mm. The IQ4 150 has a sensor with the dimensions of 56mmx40mm, about 68mm on the hypotenuse. This will give the Digaron 23 just 1mm shift capability on either the horizontal or vertical axis before it vignettes.

But when used within the specified limitations, the lens is spectacular. Very wide, very sharp across the entire frame.

As an extreme wide angle, the lens is good for situations when it is not possible to set the tripod any further back. As in this example, where the road with heavy evening traffic is literally a meter behind me.

As well as in tight situations inside smaller rooms.

Rodenstock HR Digaron 32mm f/4
This is probably my favourite lens in the range. I am also familiar with the Digaron 32 as it was also part of the loan package for the Alpa 12 Plus. The lens is rather large, with a coverage of 93° which is with an equivalent 35mm field of view of about 21mm. The image circle is 90mm, giving about 11mm of movement either right or left or up or down, before it vignettes.

The lens is rather large, requiring a filter of 86mm in size. With an equivalent fov of a 21mm lens, the Digaron 32 offers a good wide angle perspective. Needless to say, the lens is very well corrected for distortions and renders a very beautiful image.

Rodenstock HR Digaron 50mm f/4
The Digaron 50 provides a standard wide angle field of view, and is a favourite of many landscape and cityscape photographers. The lens has a full frame equivalent focal length of 35mm, with a 66° coverage and an image circle measuring 90mm, similar to the Digaron 32, and thus affording the same movement limits. With this image circle, the XT’s maximum 12mm movements on both axis covers the lens completely, and if used at the extreme, will vignette slightly on the Digaron 50 (and Digaron 32).

The Digaron 50 can be considered as the standard wide angle lens. And a good fit for landscape and cityscape, as well as for architecture applications.

Rodenstock HR Digaron 70mm f/5.6
The Digaron 70 is a wide angle lens, with a full frame equivalent focal length of about 52mm. The lens has coverage of 70° with an image circle of 100mm. On the XT, this circle size means that the full 12mm of movements on either axis are available.

The Digaron 70 is perhaps the closest to a do-it-all jack of all trades. This is the “normal” focal length for the IQ4 back. The field of view is quite natural to the human eye.

Rodenstock HR Digaron 90mm f/5.6
With a full frame equivalent of 56mm and a field of view of about 41°, the Digaron 90 is a versatile lens. It is somewhat a large lens, even when compared to the Digaron 32, though it takes a smaller filter size than the 32. The image circle is also the largest in the Phase One lens collection, and is wider than the XT’s maximum shift capabilities. The Digaron 90 casts an image circle with a diameter of 120mm, and will allow full 12mm shifts, rise/falls to be executed on the XT with no vignettes. The 120mm will provide up to 26mm of movements, and it will take a bigger camera to handle the full movements.

As expected, the lens is very sharp, and I particularly like the rendering of the micro tones within the photograph. I found it to be an excellent lens for portraits, even though the 56mm equivalent fov is somewhat wide for this application. But as it is a 90mm lens, the lens is quite flattering to the facial structures and captures this without any wide angle distortion.

Concluding remarks
The Phase One XT camera system, with the IQ4 150 digital back and Rodenstock HR Digaron lenses in X-Shutters are the pinnacle of photography. The system is highly nuanced, and able to capture images of the highest fidelity. The obvious competition are already discussed last week.