New Video: Who wore what watch at IamWatch

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IamWatch occured last week, and the many of the independent watchmaking cognoscenti descended onto The Singapore Edition. Here is the wristcheck of watches worn by the movers and shakers.

New Video: Who wore what watch at IamWatch

The event was held under the auspices of The Hour Glass, and at the Singapore Edition Hotel from 18 to 20 October 2024. It was a huge success, with local and visiting watch enthusiasts swarmed the venue to talk watches, see watches and just chill with watchmakers.

We caught up with the movers and shakers of the industry, mostly independent watchmaking friends and made this video. Please watch it, like and subscribe to our revamped YouTube channel for more.

CLICK for link to YouTube.

We also did spot photographs of many of the attendees. This was published live on our Instagram platform @deployant, and can be found at the Highlights under IamWatch. Please also like and follow!


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