Starting tomorrow (it is Sunday evening here in Geneva as we write this), we will be covering all the important news from Watches & Wonders 2023.

We will be covering important brands live as we see it, publishing almost immediately after each Touch & Feel session from the Watches & Wonders 2023 exhibition floor at PalExpo in Geneva. As well as all the Press Releases with commentary for all those important watches. Stay tuned through the week. We estimate an average of about 5 to 6 articles on Mon and Tue, and 3 to 4 till Friday. It will be a hectic and tiring week for us. While attending the Touch and Feel sessions and press briefings, we will also be bringing our portable studio along, and will be making our unique photographs for use in detailed and comprehensive reviews throughout the year.

On Saturday, we will begin our Armchair Picks of the Best from the Show from each of our writers with their unique insights into the novelties which tickle their fancy. With the Chief Editor rounding up with his hands-on selection after each have made their picks.

Its going to be an exciting week, and we are really excited to be bringing you the news live…or almost live. Now for some rest before the heavy week ahead.
Looking forward to the coverage!
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